Tips to Stay Healthy Mentally During Lockdown

Tips to Stay Healthy Mentally During Lockdown

All of our lives have been disrupted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and many people started to face health issues whether catching the virus or suffering from stress and anxiety-related mental health problems. As students, you may be worried about both your health and your loved ones’ health especially if you are stuck in the country you are studying at. 

Humans thrive on social interactions and they are essential for sustaining a healthy mental state. While we are experiencing social distancing, also called physical distancing, it’s normal for it to have challenging effects on our mental well being.

With social distancing, our normal routines have been changed and if you’re alone in a foreign country you may be experiencing more emotional difficulties. In fact, even if you haven’t faced anxiety issues before, this extraordinary circumstances may trigger some anxiety and stress during this process.

So as long as we are practicing social distancing, it’s even more crucial for us to pay close attention to our mental health as much as our physical health. But don’t forget that you’re not alone in experiencing all of these problems and it’s now even more crucial to be mindful about how you feel and prioritize taking care of your mental health and helping your loved ones. 

By taking actions that will help you feel better, you can reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

Here are some things you can do to that will help you stay positive and healthy:


Pay attention to your physical health

Physical health is just as important and it’s connected to your mental well being. Try to do some activities you enjoy doing whether it’s going for a walk, doing yoga or any other activity that will get your body moving. These types of activities help you relieve the stress and calm your anxiety levels and you’ll feel much better after. Make sure to get a good amount of sleep every day.

Eat healthily

Eating fresh fruit and vegetables will keep your immune system strong. Also, try to limit junk food and alcohol consumption as they may trigger stress levels to go up and it’s not good for your health in the long term. Also if you drink too much coffee every day, try to reduce it as caffeine is also known to increase anxiety.


Have a routine 

Having a daily routine increases your productivity if you’re working or studying from home during these times. Eating your meals around the same time every day or studying during the same time periods each day can help you find a good daily balance and reduce stress. Also, make sure to dedicate some time to relax and having fun each day. 


Stay connected online

Having regular chats and video calls to your friends and family can help you feel a lot better. So it’s important to take some time to call a friend or a family member when you feel down and even if you don’t talk about your feelings, just connecting to them will be great for your mental well being. Don’t forget that everyone is going through a similar situation so don’t be shy to talk about feelings with others.


Stay positive

Negative thoughts are not good for your immune system and can work against it. Keep reminding yourself that not all things are in your control and this is a temporary situation. Try to focus on things you can control and that are important in your life. Also practicing and meditation can help you during this time. Visit our mindfulness blog for tips on how to practice it.