How to deal with University stress

How to deal with University stress

University life isn’t all fun and games! Living away from family, some possible trouble with money, making new friends, studying and exams can be very stressful.
Attending the University and maybe living in a different city means quitting the teenage life and following the path of adulthood. A lot of changes in a very short time, which cause fear, anxiety, and even psychosomatic diseases.

So, how can students deal with stress? Although there is no universal formula to reduce it, a combination of strategies can help you cope positively.


Here are some useful tips from our experts.

1. Prioritize

Do you feel like you losing control of your time?
Are you good at organizing your tasks?
Do you know your priorities?

Time management and organization are essential to managing stress, especially when you have multiple deadlines to meet.
Note all the activities you need to do and prioritize them: do the longest and most restrictive things at the beginning of your week or day, in order to get rid of them faster and be more available for other obligations.
You can write your activities on your agenda, or use some tools and apps, as Todoist or Trello, for instance.

2. Choose a healthy diet and lifestyle

Having a balanced diet isn’t easy when you’re a student: hectic days, many hours of study, going out with friends can give you some physical stress as well.
First, your body needs energy: don’t forget to eat your vegetables (as your Mum used to say), fruits, but also cereals, pulses and some dark chocolate. These foods are rich in magnesium, iron, and vitamins, which are essential for concentration and vitality.

Being a student can also lead to a sedentary life. Some exercise will allow you to release tension and stress in your body. Further, it’ll have a good impact on your health, self-esteem and mood.

3. Sleep well

Whether it’s to work or to party, it’s not uncommon for students to push their bedtime late.
Yet, nothing beats a good night’s sleep to get up in shape and without stress. Try as much as possible to go to bed at the same time every day in the week to maintain a daily rhythm and avoid overwork.

If you have trouble falling asleep there are some easy techniques to try. You can learn some breathing exercise, practising relaxation or meditation, or listening to music that soothes you. Some people find yoga helpful too, but try doing it during daytime.

4. Keep some time for yourself

Leisure is a pleasant way to take a distance from everyday worries. Some people, as they begin their university studies, discard this aspect of their lives in favour of school tasks.
Clearly separate your study time from your leisure time (e.g. lunch time, day off). This will help you to better enjoy the activities that make you feel good and not let your studies invade your personal time.Reward yourself after hard work: you could also combine some fun tasks and activities (e.g. studying in a café).

5. Be indulgent with yourself

Do you often feel frustrated, even when you are successful? Do you have difficulty accepting your mistakes and imperfections?

There’s nothing wrong with maintaining high standards. However, if there is no room for error, you may feel a lot of pressure, doubt yourself and become discouraged in the face of challenges. This is often characteristic of perfectionist students.

Remember that learning is made of mistakes and your value is not based on perfection. Your demands might cause you some stress: just set realistic performance goals!

6. Don’t worry about finding a new accommodation

Looking for a new place might be a stressful time to, but we can help you with this. If you’re looking for a convenient, yet comfortable new accommodation, just browse ours and contact us.

We’ll be more than delighted to help you out!