How to maintain engagement with your clientele

How to maintain engagement with your clientele

Customer experience is what your company is all about. It is the main basis of your company and the reason your team works so hard to achieve their main aims. The satisfaction rate is what your company needs to develop and be as successful as it can possibly be. Regardless of whether you are a huge company profiting from multi-millions or a small start-up, all companies have the common priority of appealing and engaging their target audience. You must ensure that you acknowledge the importance of customers and deliver exceptional standards, regardless of how much or little they bring to your business. The maintenance of your company’s engagement with the clients is a fundamental part of the success of your company. If you follow these 5 steps, you can achieve just that.

Humanise your approach

Find a member of your team who you believe is a fantastic public speaker, and is able to represent your team as well as possible. Ideally, you would like a team member who is passionate about the brand and is enthusiastic to represent the team. This would be good for both your online (social media) and offline (events, functions) presence. These factors all contribute towards promoting your brand.

Have a voice on social media

Here, you can get people responding to individuals who reach out to the company on social media. For example, on Twitter, a lot of companies have a sassy or smooth approach to whom they get in contact with. This gives your company a bit of personality. Huge companies like Wendy’s, for example, tend to have sassy responses to the tweets they receive. They are well known for these responses. However, one must know the difference between sassy and just plain rude. Some companies have been penalised on social media for their attempts at quick and witty responses. Another useful tool on twitter is the search tool. You can search for any tweets which are related to the interests of your services, and gain customers through there!

Personalisation of your service

There are many ways in which you can personalise your service and make your followers feel at home. There are various techniques to get your audience interacting with you. One example is through Twitter’s polls where you can ask any question whether it is about your service or just generally, then you can wait for the response from your followers. An added bonus is that the response is calculated in percentage, so even if only 3 people respond, that’s shown as 100% of your response! You can do a similar thing with the voting system on Instagram stories and polls on Facebook. The ore you can find out about your customer through these devices, the better your service. Allowing the customer to give their input on social media is great- apathy may mean that they won’t want to go all the way to TrustPilot to give a review, so by using voting systems on the social media that they are already using will induce a larger response.

Create useful content
Use your content to educate customers. Understand that it does not matter if they are new or old, you need to make sure you are clear about your product and what exactly you aim to achieve with your services. Do not make the mistake of assuming that because people are following you they have already done all their research and they know everything about the company. Sometimes, your follow is from someone who has been recommended your company, but they have limited knowledge, so use every opportunity to create content to inform your potential customers as much as possible.

Host events

One common feature of London Nest is that we host frequent events at our various locations. Last month, we hosted a Networking event at The Collective Old Oak, where we showed our partners the multiple facilities in that residence, and got everyone talking. It was hugely beneficial because not only were we able to network, but we also got our partners and other agents networking and meeting new people, and finding out about other companies. Hosting events is a way in which you can spread the word about your company. It is a huge opportunity to take advantage of your marketing department and your social media. The further word gets out about your event, the more widespread your audience will become, which leads to more customers.

If you follow these steps, you will achieve the main aim and the foundation of what all businesses need to be successful. Although this is the foundation, it isn’t always easy attain. There are so many steps to take in order to fully achieve these aims and take ample opportunity for your company to be as successful as possible.

Words by Caroline Otu